// to remove comments (for example, in scripts) use this regex: //.* // and replace it with nothing. // bans with good reason @armpits:catgirl.cloud // troll @noxxyhappy:matrix.org // misgenders intentionally, troll @neocat:kurosaki.cx // multi-person account (not a plural system!), commonly used for spam @neocat:matrix.gensokyo.ch // ^^ @neocat:isekai.rocks // ^^ @mosley.am:matrix.org // invite spammer @elitemainsry:matrix.org // ad spam @glor.:matrix.org // ad spam @mark_great:matrix.org // drug ad spam???? @fomoadmin:matrix.org // cryptocurrency ad spam @zorpborp:matrix.org // racism @carloscobra:matrix.org // ad spam @ruban123:matrix.org // pornography spam @brentalexanderq:matrix.org // some sort of spam. cant tell what it is @airpharma:matrix.org // ad spam @hatio:matrix.org // ad spam @ashlxy:kurosaki.cx // mention spam @cyberspectre:matrix.org // ad spam @=cc=b6v=cc=b6a=cc=b6n=cc=b6d=cc=b6e=cc=b6r=cc=b6l=cc=b6e=cc=b6i=cc=b6=20=cc=b6=20=d1=bd:hashi.sbs // ai bot @oceansprayjelliedcranberrysauce:matrix.khmelnytskyi.dcomm.net.ua // troll @zayd:waffle.tech // horrible person, loves slurs @plate:everypizza.im // ^^ @zayd:4d2.org // ^^ @zayd:catgirl.cloud // ^^ @zayd:inamatrix.xyz // ^^ @zayd:possum.city // ^^ @zayd:private.coffee // ^^ @zayd:sulian.eu // ^^ @zaydzz:matrix.org // ^^ // bans for our room that are probably not gonna be of use to you @enigma9o7:envs.net // encourages flatpak usage @deepbluev7:neko.dev // uploads to flatpak @ashten:woem.men // most controversial fedi instance owner @array:inamatrix.xyz // brainrotted @june:tchncs.de // i mean @strawberry:catgirl.cloud // ^^ @strawberry:envs.net // ^^ @girlbossceo:matrix.org // ^^ @strawberry:sulian.eu // ^^ @ashx:unredacted.org // NO @axiopaladin:matrix.org // who is this again @nex:dendrite.nexy7574.co.uk // likes to disagree with everything @nex:envs.net // ^^ @nex:nope.chat // ^^ @nex:synapse.nexy7574.co.uk // ^^ @nexy7574:tchncs.de // ^^ @nexy:pain.agency // ^^ @voxel:everypizza.im // brainrotted @v:nadeko.net // ^^ @morguldir:sulian.eu // cwt circlejerk member @gratitude:tchncs.de // too confused @gersonzao:converser.eu // nazi @gersonzao:matrix.org // ^^ @gersonzao:mozilla.org // ^^